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March 5, 2024

workforce strategies

6 Proven Workforce Strategies for Employee Engagement and Retention

Managing a large, global workforce is complex. From staffing to scheduling, labor costs to forecasts, many intricate factors are involved in effective workforce management and planning. Yet implementing thoughtful workforce strategies that promote employee satisfaction fuels business success. When companies support their people with positive working conditions, growth opportunities, and work-life balance, they foster productive, loyal teams. 

Understanding Workforce Strategy

A workforce strategy is examining your current staff and planning for future hiring needs. It’s accomplished by spotting talent shortages, creating processes for employee management, and crafting recruitment plans.

Strategic workforce planning goes beyond just bringing on new workers. It’s the gap between your present situation and your target. Workforce planning assists in identifying who might take on different functions and who could struggle in their current role as ability requirements continuously shift.

Workforce strategy thinks about all forms of movement – up, down, inward, outward, or across the organization. Human resources experts should team up with business heads to define strategic goals and build a business justification for investing in a strategic workforce proposal. 

Understanding what is workforce management would help you get a better insight into workforce strategies.

Why Do You Need A Workforce Strategy?

A robust workforce strategy is crucial for organizations to thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape. Deloitte’s 2020 study on Human Capital Trends looks at how an unparalleled transformation in social and economic systems is affecting employees worldwide. An effective strategy enables companies to adapt and optimize their biggest asset – their people. There are several key benefits to implementing a thoughtful workforce plan:

  • Identifies talent gaps: A strong strategy analyzes present and future talent needs. This allows organizations to get ahead of impending retirements, turnover, and changes in required competencies. Companies can then devise targeted hiring, training, and succession plans.
  • Enhances agility: With clarity around workforce composition and capabilities, companies can swiftly reorganize teams, redeploy talent, and upskill workers in alignment with strategic objectives. This nimbleness is vital in dynamic markets.
  • Boosts employee experience: Tracking workforce metrics, trends, and sentiment allows organizations to fine-tune engagement initiatives, career development programs, and diversity and inclusion efforts for maximum impact. This leads to more fulfilled and productive employees.
  • Informs budget and operations: HR has hard data to guide critical resourcing, infrastructure, and technology investments. This leads to right-sized budget allocation and workforce optimization.

Effective Workforce Strategies for a Successful Workforce

Employee engagement and retention are crucial for any organization’s success. Disengaged and unhappy employees lead to high turnover, reduced productivity, and even customer dissatisfaction. Implementing effective types of workforce strategies to keep employees motivated and fulfilled in their roles is key. 

Here are six proven strategies for boosting employee engagement and retention:

Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

One of the top reasons employees leave organizations is limited career growth opportunities. Offering performance-based raises, profit sharing, generous time-off allowances, retirement contributions, and other attractive benefits demonstrates an investment in staff and provides incentives for them to stay. Continually benchmark compensation plans to ensure they remain competitive.

Promote Strong Workplace Culture

Create an environment where employees feel appreciated, challenged, and supported. Encourage open communication, collaboration, creative freedom, and work-life balance. Set clear expectations, provide regular feedback, and empower employees to take ownership of their work. A positive workplace culture greatly impacts job satisfaction.

Invest in Professional Development

Employees want opportunities to develop new skills, take on greater responsibilities, and progress in their careers. Offer training programs, skill-building courses, mentoring opportunities, tuition assistance, and clear paths for advancement. Supporting growth communicates a commitment to staff and gives them reasons to stick around.

Prioritize Wellness Initiatives

Burnout and poor health lead many workers to seek less demanding jobs. Implement appropriate workloads, flexible schedules, remote work options, and wellness perks like office gyms, standing desks, mental health days, healthy snacks, and lifestyle coaching. When companies support employee wellbeing, they are more engaged and productive.

Conduct Frequent Employee Surveys

Check-in regularly with workers to better understand their goals, challenges and levels of satisfaction. Anonymous pulse surveys provide insights to improve processes, tools, manager relationships, and happiness levels. Employees want their voices heard, so act upon survey findings.

Automate Tedious Administrative Tasks

Look for ways to leverage technology to eliminate repetitious, low-value tasks that waste precious time. Invest in automation, AI, and analytics tools to free up bandwidth for more meaningful, human-centric work. Not only does this improve efficiency, but it allows more inspiring job roles that engage employees.

Case Study

PwC collaborated with a client facing challenges in understanding workforce demand and supply due to the isolated use of spreadsheets and tools across different teams, coupled with inconsistent data from various sources. The objective was to formulate and implement a comprehensive people strategy covering all aspects of the employee journey.

To achieve this goal, PwC instituted strategic workforce planning principles throughout the organization, transforming them into guiding “touchstones” for stakeholders. Additionally, a customized strategic workforce planning (SWP) modeling solution was developed to unify and standardize diverse data sources.

Introducing an SWP decision-making framework, the team empowered leaders to make evidence-based decisions in recruitment, talent development, and restructuring. They generated SWP reports and plans, scrutinizing potential workforce gaps over a five-year projection and proposing scenarios to effectively address these gaps.


Workforce planning is indispensable for the modern organization. With people being the lifeblood of companies, workforce strategies enable more targeted talent management and adaptable structures to drive competitive advantage. A Gallup study found that companies with highly dedicated employees demonstrate 22% higher profitability. The reason is that engaged employees are more productive – putting in extra effort, working harder, and providing superior value for their organizations and clientele. This leads to both fulfilled workers and organizational success.  

Explore how Procloz, as your trusted employer of record, can elevate your workforce strategies with innovative technology-driven services. Contact us today.

Procloz Partners with Nonprofit Through Services, Driving Social Impact

Procloz Partners with Nonprofit Through Services, Driving Social Impact

GURUGRAM, HARYANA, INDIA, March 4, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Procloz, a leading global ServTech company, announced new partnerships with several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to support their international growth and ensure the seamless operation of their activities. Through customized services, Procloz aims to contribute to the overall operational efficiency of these organizations, going beyond mere hiring to address a broader spectrum of their needs.

With a focus on the Nonprofit sector, Procloz has onboarded a new client- CTG, (Committed to Good) a health services organization working to eradicate diseases in impoverished regions across Africa and Asia. As they expand into new countries this year, they trust Procloz’s comprehensive HR solutions, encompassing EORPayroll and Recruitment, to handle all obligations. This partnership allows them to remain dedicated to their life-saving mission of delivering treatments with unwavering focus.

Currently, Procloz serves number of Nonprofit clients by providing customized solutions to simplify their global expansion and growth. Almost 15% of global EOR workforce is employed through Procloz from Nonprofit industry. Services include managing payroll and compliance for employees hired across various countries through Procloz’s EOR service.

“We are committed to empowering NGOs to drive meaningful impact globally,” said Amandeep Singh Wasal, Founder at Procloz. “With teams across 160+ countries, we make global expansion efficient, compliant, and cost-effective for mission-aligned organizations.”

“Procloz’s global team provides dedicated support and guidance to help our Nonprofit clients drive social good” added Gaurav Soni – Co-founder and General Manager at Procloz.

About Procloz:
Procloz, a leading ServTech company, redefines workforce management through innovative solutions like ProEmp, ProServ and ProTech. ProEmp streamlines employer of record and multi-country payroll, enabling seamless expansion with tailored services. ProServ merges HR, IT, and Financial support, simplifying complexities for innovation. With ProTech, cutting-edge automation transforms business operations.

Procloz is your committed partner, blending the above expertise to empower your business through technology.

To learn more about Procloz services or to explore partnership opportunities, please visit www.procloz.com.

Amandeep Singh
Procloz Services Private Limited
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Unicorns in a Zebra Stable: How Procloz Stood Out After a Refresh

Ok, let’s talk about Procloz

Established in 2016, Procloz is a ServTech company headquartered in Gurugram, India. They leverage a unique blend of services and technology ServTech (Services + Technology) to offer solutions that accelerate organizational growth.

Procloz caters to businesses of all sizes, providing a comprehensive suite of services including HR, IT, shared services, outsourcing, Payroll and Employer of Record (EOR) solutions.

By prioritizing client focus, flexibility, and industry expertise, they aim to build lasting partnerships and provide solutions across various industries. With a strong presence in India and international reach, Procloz strives to optimize costs, improve efficiency, and enhance employee engagement for its clients.

As the ServTech landscape evolved from traditional models to a more modern, tech-savvy environment, Procloz, despite offering top-notch products and services, felt their brand image wasn’t keeping pace. They recognized the need to shed light on their true potential and showcase their innovative spirit in a way that resonated with a wider audience. This realization sparked a desire for a refresh, an opportunity to bridge the gap between their brand and its potential.

Our task was to develop a comprehensive rebranding strategy that would elevate Procloz’s brand perception, attract new customers, and reinforce loyalty among existing ones.

Research and Analysis: Understanding Procloz’s Rebranding Needs


We initiated the rebranding process with an in-depth analysis of Procloz’s current brand perception, market positioning, and competitive landscape. We conducted surveys, interviews, and market research to gather insights from both internal stakeholders and external audiences. Through this process, we identified several key findings:

Evolving Market Landscape:

The ServTech industry is dynamic, with new players and innovative solutions emerging constantly. Procloz felt a need to refresh its brand to stay relevant and competitive in this evolving landscape.

Clarity and Differentiation:

While Procloz positions itself as a ServTech company, the “ServTech” label itself might not be widely understood or hold significant brand recognition. A rebranding effort could help them refine their messaging and differentiate themselves from competitors by clearly communicating their unique value proposition.

Reaching New Audiences:

Procloz has ambitions to expand its reach beyond its current clientele. Rebranding could be a strategic move to attract new market segments and resonate with a broader audience, potentially requiring adjustments in brand language, visuals, or overall positioning.

Modernization and Consistency:

As the company matures, its brand identity might only partially reflect its current capabilities and aspirations. A rebranding exercise could help them modernize their visual identity, messaging, and overall brand experience to ensure consistency across all touchpoints.

Strategy Development: Behind the Scenes of the Rebrand


Based on our research findings, to better reflect who we are and what we offer. Here’s what guided our strategy:

Understanding Our Core: We started by taking a deep dive into what makes Procloz unique. We realized that we’re more than just a company that offers services — we’re a trusted friend, helping businesses navigate the ever-changing world of technology. This understanding became the foundation for our refresh.

Reaching New Heights: We wanted to share our expertise with a wider audience and establish Procloz as a leading voice in the industry. To achieve this, we designed a multi-channel marketing strategy that utilizes both traditional and digital platforms to connect with our target audience.

A Fresh Look, Same Great Us: To visually represent our growth and resonate with modern audiences, we carefully updated our brand identity. This included refreshing our logo, color scheme, and website design, while still maintaining the core elements that represent Procloz.

Implementation: Putting the “Re” in Reality, From Sketch to Shelf


With the strategy finalized, we began the implementation phase:

Brand Identity Refresh: We gave our brand a bit of a refresh! While listening to our senior leadership team, who felt strongly about keeping the core shape of our logo, we worked together to explore new colors that better reflect our growth and progress. We also decided to make our “P” icon a bigger star — you’ll see it more prominently in our materials, making it easier to recognize us anywhere.

The chosen colours for the new branding, including deep blues and silver, project innovation, power, and sophistication in the AI/Tech. Neutrality and trust are emphasised through the incorporation of greys and whites, symbolising excellence and reliability. The use of the Satoshi Variable font complements these attributes, exuding a modern and intelligent personality, aligning with the brand’s commitment to tech-savvy excellence.

Website Makeover: We also revamped our website to make it easier to navigate and understand. It’s now more user-friendly and showcases our services and story even clearer. This way, you can find what you need quickly and get to know Procloz even better.

Sharing Our Expertise: To show you what we know best, we created interesting content like articles, case studies, and reports. These share our knowledge and experience in the industry, making us a trusted source for valuable insights. You’ll find this content on our website, social media, and even in industry publications.

Spreading the Word: We wanted everyone to know about our brand refresh, so we talked to journalists and even participated in conferences and events. This helped us reach a wider audience and share the exciting things happening at Procloz.

Empowering Our Team: We believe our employees are our biggest brand ambassadors. That’s why we held workshops and training sessions to help them understand and share the new brand identity with everyone they meet. This way, you’ll experience a consistent and clear Procloz experience, no matter who you interact with.

Mission Accomplished: High Fives All Around!


The Verdict is In: Our brand refresh was a smash hit! More people know who we are, we stand out from the crowd like a unicorn in a stable full of zebras, and our audience is engaged like nobody’s business (well, except for maybe those folks glued to their phones all day).

Not only that, but:

  • Our team thinks we look sharp (and let’s be honest, looking good is important!).
  • Our customers love our new website — it’s so easy to use, they might even finally understand their teenagers’ social media habits.
  • We’re feeling pretty proud of ourselves, and we’re not afraid to admit it!

So, what’s next? Well, we’re not resting on our laurels (those things can get pretty uncomfortable). We’re excited to keep evolving, growing, and helping businesses navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. Think of us as your trusty sidekick in the wild world of technology! ‍

This brand refresh is just the beginning of Procloz’s next chapter, and we’re ready to write an epic story! Buckle up, everyone, it’s gonna be a wild ride!

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